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The Village of Howard City DDA was formed on April 15, 1997, under the Downtown Development Act (PA 197 of 1975), and changed to Tax Increment Financing Act - Act 57 2018, which was developed to assist local governments in their encouragement of historic preservation; in the elimination and prevention of blight and deterioration in business districts; to encourage and promote economic development, growth and revitalization; to make provision for the acquisition and disposition of personal and real property; to authorize the issuance of bonds and the use of tax increment financing revenues; and to provide for a development plan that sets forth specific downtown development objectives as described in a locally adopted development plan for central business districts.

The Act is further intended to assist municipalities in reversing historical trends, which have led to the loss of population, jobs and businesses. The Act seeks to improve the quality of life by attacking problems of decline where they are most apparent, in the downtown districts of communities.

The Act seeks to accomplish its goals by providing municipalities with the necessary legal, monetary and organizational tools to revitalize downtown districts through public initiated projects undertaken cooperatively with privately initiated projects.

The way in which a Downtown Development Authority makes use of its tools made available depends on the problems and priorities of each community. This DDA is set to expire on February 28, 2042.


For a schedule of meetings held by the DDA, please click here.








Howard City, MI 49329, USA


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